Mini Moon two moons will be seen in the sky from September 29 American Astronomical Society surprised the whole world

Mini Moon two moons will be seen in the sky from September 29 American Astronomical Society surprised the whole world

This universe is full of surprises. No one can know what will happen in the sky. If you look at the sky at night today, you will see only one moon. But if you look at the sky at night after September 29, you will see two moons. This is not a rumour, but it has been confirmed by the American Astronomical Society itself. Let us tell you today how this is happening and what effect it will have on the Earth.

what is mini moon

The moon we are talking about is known to the world as Mini Moon. Actually, the American Astronomical Society says that due to a rare astronomical event, the Earth is going to get a temporary mini-moon. This mini moon will be visible to us from 29 September to 25 November 2024. Let us tell you, this temporary mini moon of the Earth is a meteorite which is known as Asteroid 2024 PT5 in the language of science.

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what is its full story

Actually, Asteroid 2024 PT5 was discovered on 7 August 2024. The size of this asteroid is 10 meters. Scientists estimate that this asteroid will come so close to the Earth on 29 September that it will be trapped in its gravity. After this, like our moon, it will also revolve around the Earth. Scientists say that this asteroid will continue to do so till 25 November 2024 and then it will go out of Earth’s gravity. Scientists believe that due to this asteroid, they will get a lot to know about the gravity of the Earth.

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can it be seen with the naked eye

Actually, the size of this asteroid is not so big that it can be seen with naked eyes. It cannot be seen even with ordinary telescopes. This second moon of Earth can be seen only from advanced observatory. Let us tell you, this is not the first time that this astronomical event has happened. This has happened with Earth before as well. A mini moon was seen about 44 years ago. However, even at that time it was not possible to see it with naked eyes.

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